Fiction Editing

Writing a novel is a gigantic, at times overwhelming task. After writing so many scenes and keeping track of all those characters, an author can start missing the forest for the trees. That is when a skilled editor can help. Over the course of 25 years and editing more than 300 published novels, I have learned how to analyze story problems large and small. Each novel is different, and I provide advice that is tailored toward helping you take your book where it is trying to go, not where I think it should go.

I provide a full range of editing services: developmental editing and line editing with supplemental writing. You can choose only one or all of these services. I also believe that a good editor is a teacher, helping an author not only with the book he or she is writing, but providing lessons that can be used in all the books after that. Every author I have ever worked with has found the experience warm, illuminating, and extremely beneficial in making the book a success.

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