
Good editing has its rewards. Over the course of my career I have been honored to work with more than 350 published authors. Both as a house doctor and as an independent editor, publishers and editors-in-chief often have asked me to edit expensive acquisitions in order that they earn out their royalty payments. For this reason my resume includes dozens of New York Times bestsellers. Yet other editors asked me to work on labors of love that they did not have the time to edit. That was how I became involved in such projects as a heavy textual edit of a 600-page collection of French fairy tales, which I still regard as one of my highest achievements.

As you can see in the following pages, my career has encompassed a wide variety of genres in both fiction and nonfiction. On all of these titles substantial work was done, ranging from a line edit to the highest level of book reorganization. I have listed only 10 authors per category, but in most of these I have edited many more books. Each one opened a door into a new world, and for that I am profoundly grateful.

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